We have DID (dissociative identity disorder) so different alters may have their own pages.
Physically this website is written by and belongs to one person.
If you're interesting in visiting a couple pages, find the navigation bar above!
We are trans ftm, but consider our relationship with our gender complicated because there is some variation of identity between individuals.
We love digital art, and because of ADHD and different interests inside the system, we tend to skip between different interests quickly and love to learn how to do new things.
For example, I'm teaching myself html and css in order to make this website. I had to restart it halfway through because I was disatisfied with what I'd alreayd done since I'd learned more since then haha.
I have a warrior cats universe fan comic that I run, that I generally post on tumblr but also here as well. Please find it in the menu if you want to have a look!